Sunday, September 5, 2010

Not sure what I am doing

But at least I am into the blog!  Yay!  Thanks, Pam. 

Howard and I are so happy that we could see so many of you at the Hein Reunion.  It was just such fun to be together.  And thank you all for letting the "older generation" just be there and all of you taking such good care of us.  It was wonderful!

Our ward, along with all wards in the town of Casper, has had ward boundaries realigned.  There was a new 8th Ward created and that affected everybody.  Today was the last day our ward was status quo.  Next week we meet and get new bishops.  The following week is Stake Conference.  So it will be the 26th of September before we actually meet as the "new and improved" 6th Ward.  We are so excited and just seem to thrive on this kind of growth.

Howard is Sunday School president and with the new boundaries, he lost both counselors and all his Sunday School teachers.  Hmmm.  We wonder if he will even be the Sunday School teacher when all the shaking comes down.  Guess we will wait and see.

So that is about it with us!  Love to hear the news from everyone. 

Love,  Aunt Margaret

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