It's Amy.
My mom and dad were here for a day to hear Mary talk and sing in church and at Seminary Graduation. She was delightful, but that's not what this is about.
My mom is at that stage in life of trying to get rid of stuff. Wait, she's always been like that. Kerri and I can name many of our FAVORITE toys that disappeared, that we still miss. But now things are re-appearing, like a crewel embroidery Christmas wreath that I did in 1980 or so.
Apparently I said that I wanted the sampler that my mom made for Grandma Katie. I don't really remember my mom asking me, but she must have. She would not lie! So I have the sampler with all our names and birthdays on it--cousins only, I should say. It's very nice and I am glad to have it.
I had forgotten that Lissie is a nickname!
An organized person would put your birthdays on the calendar, but I will probably just let facebook remind me.
My mom and dad have gone to Utah for a few days--heads up everyone! Their car looks like more stuff is looking for a new home. Then they will come back here for Mary's graduation.
Another beware---I am planning on publishing pictures of Peter and my spring trip on this blog. Why get my own?
I am remembering what fun I had last spring visiting Uncle Marvin with my dad. They hated Cafe Rio. Isn't that weird? But their stories were priceless!
Here are Mary and Brett Hardman and Kendon Freeman. They are the only seminary graduates from our ward. The boys are heading on missions in the fall and Mary is heading to BYU-I.
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